

Bases: dict, _abcoll.MutableMapping

Edge values of nodes to a node in a graph

This represents edges in a graph originating from node as a mapping to their values. For example, the edge graph[a:b] = c corresponds to adjacency[b] = c for node a.


Bases: exceptions.TypeError

AdjacencyList set with an incorrect type


Bases: exceptions.Exception

Graph edge not found



View on the edges in a graph

class*source, **kwargs)

Bases: _abcoll.Container

Abstract Base Class for graphs representing values of edges between nodes

A Graph is a container for primitive nodes and edges. There are three types of elements handled by a graph:

  1. primitive nodes,
  2. slice-like edges as pairs of nodes, and
  3. primitive edge values.

Both nodes and edge values are conceptually similar to keys and values of dict. However, the concept of node pairs as edges adds additional functionality. The fixed relation between arbitrary nodes a, b and the directed pair a:b creates two value-type layers:

  1. each node is mapped to all its outgoing edges,
  2. each edge is mapped to the respective edge value.

In short, graph[a] provides a collection of edges originating at a, while graph[a:b] provides the specific edge value from a to b.


Many interfaces return the rich Edge type for its added usability. To access an edge value, using slice such as graph[a:b] is sufficient, however.

Similar to Mappings, nodes are the primary keys of a Graph. As a result, the container interfaces, such as iter and len, operate on nodes. In general, nodes can be of arbitrary type as long as they are hashable.

By default, edges in a Graph are directed and unique: The edges represented by graph[a:b] and graph[b:a] are separate with opposite direction. Each edge is unique, i.e. there is only one edge graph[a:b]. A loop is represented by the edge graph[a:a]. The edge entities stored in the graph may be arbitrary objects.

As such, the interface of Graph defaults to describing a directed graph. However, other types of graph can be expressed as well. These generally do not form separate types in term of implementation.

Multigraphs allow for multiple edges between pairs of nodes. In this case, all edge values are containers (such as list or set) of arbitrary size. Whether a Graph is a graph of containers or a multigraph depends on the context.

Undirected Graphs do not distinguish between graph[a:b] and graph[b:a]. This can be enforced by symmetry of edge values, which guarantees that graph[a:b] == graph[b:a] always applies.


Indicates whether Graph g is guaranteed to be undirected, having only symmetric edge values. If True, g[a:b] is g[b:a] for any nodes a and b in g; the graph enforces this, e.g. g[a:b] = c implies g[b:a] = c. If False, symmetric edges are allowed but not enforced.

Read-only unless explicitly indicated otherwise.

There are several ways to initialise a new graph; their main difference is which element types are left empty.


Create a new empty graph. No nodes, edges or values are filled in.


Create a new graph with all nodes, edges and values of graph. The resulting graph is a shallow copy of graph - the identity of elements is preserved.

Graph(a, b, c, ...)
Graph([a, b, c, ...])
Graph({a, b, c, ...})
Graph(<iterable for a, b, c, ...>)

Create a new graph with nodes a, b, c, d, and so on. No edges or values are created explicitly.

Graph({a: {b: ab_edge, c: ...}, b: {a: ab_edge, ...}})
Graph({a: AdjacencyList({b: ab_edge, c: ...}), b: AdjacencyList(...), ...})

Create a new graph with nodes a, b, c, and so on. Initialize edges to graph[a:b] = ab_edge, graph[b:a] = ba_edge, and so on.


If only a single argument is provided, graph and mapping initialization is preferred over iterable initialisation. To initialize a graph with a graph or mapping as the sole node, wrap it in an iterable, e.g. Graph([graph]).

All implementations of this ABC guarantee the following operators:


Whether there are any nodes in the graph g.


Return the number of nodes in the graph g.


Return the value of the edge between nodes a and b. Raises EdgeError if no edge is defined for the nodes. Undirected graphs guarantee g[a:b] == g[b:a].

g[a:b] = value

Set the value of the edge between nodes a and b to value for graph g.

del g[a:b]

Remove the edge and value between nodes a and b from g. Raises EdgeError if the edge is not in the graph.


Return the edges between nodes a and any other node as an AdjacencyList corresponding to {b: ab_edge, c: ac_edge, ...}. Raises NodeError if a is not in g.

g[a] = True

Add the node a to graph g if it does not exist. Do not add, remove or modify existing edges. Graphs for which edges are computed, not set, may create them implicitly.

Changed in version 0.3.0: Added g[a] = True, deprecated g[a] = a and g[a] = None.

g[a] = {}
g[a] = AdjacencyList()

Add the node a to graph g if it does not exist. Remove any existing edges originating at a from graph g.

g[a] = {b: ab_edge, c: ac_edge, ...}
g[a] = AdjacencyList(b=ab_edge, c=c_edge)

Add the node a to graph g if it does not exist. Set the value of the edge between nodes a and b to ab_edge, between a and c to ac_edge, and so on. Remove any other edge from a. Raises NodeError if any of b, c, etc. are not in g.

del g[a]

Remove the node a and all its edges from g. Raises NodeError if the node is not in the graph.

a in g

Return True if g has a node a, else False.

Edge[a:b] in g
Edge(a, b) in g

Return True if g has an edge from node a to b, else False.


Return an iterator over the nodes in g.

In addition, several methods are provided. While methods and operators for retrieving data must be implemented by all subclasses, methods for modifying data may not be applicable to certain graphs.


Safely add a node or edge to the graph, without modifying existing edges

If a node is not part of the graph, it is added without any explicit edges. If a edge is not part of the graph, its value is set to True.


Graphs which compute edges may implicitly create new edges if node is new to the graph.


Remove all elements from this graph


Return a shallow copy of this graph


Remove a node or edge from the graph if it is a member

Parameters:item – node or edge to discard from the graph

Return a new view of the graph’s edges

Returns:view of the graph’s edges
Return type:EdgeView
get(item, default=None)

Return the value for node or edge item if it is in the graph, else default. If default is not given, it defaults to None, so that this method never raises a NodeError or EdgeError.

  • item – node or edge to look up in the graph
  • default – default to return if item is not in the graph

Return a new view of the graph’s edges and their values

Returns:view of the graph’s edges and their values
Return type:ItemView

Return a new view of the graph’s nodes

Returns:view of the graph’s nodes
Return type:NodeView
undirected = False

whether this graph is undirected, having only symmetric edges


Update the graph with the nodes, edges and values from other, overwriting existing elements.

Parameters:other (Graph or ItemView) – graph or items from which to pull elements

Return a new view of the values of the graph’s edges

Returns:view of the values of the graph’s edges
Return type:ValueView

Bases: _abcoll.Sized

Dynamic view on the content of a Graph

View objects represent a portion of the content of a graph. A view allows to work with its scope without copying the viewed content. It is dynamic, meaning that any changes to the graph are reflected by the view.

Each view works only on its respective portion of the graph. For example, edge in nodeview will always return False.


Return the number of nodes, node pairs or edges in the graph.

x in graphview

Return True if x is a node, node pair or edge of the graph.


Return an iterator over the nodes, node pairs or edges in the graph.

Each view strictly defines the use of nodes, edges or values. As such, edges are safely represented as a tuple of start and end node.



View on the edges and values in a graph

Represents edges and their value as a tuple of (tail, head, value). For example, the edge graph[a:b] = c corresponds to the item (a, b, c).


Bases: exceptions.Exception

Graph node not found



View on the nodes of a graph



View on the values of edges in a graph