graphi package

GraphI - Graphs for Humans

Documentation is available in docstrings of modules, classes and functions. In an interactive session, use help, or ipython’s ? and ??. For example, use help(graphi.GraphABC) to view the graph interface.

For further help, tutorials and examples visit to view the full documentation.

Using Graphs

You should start by using the type graphi.graph - the most well-rounded graph implementation on your system. Like all graphi types, it uses an interface similar to the Python builtin types:

from graphi import graph
from datetime import timedelta

# create a graph with initial nodes
airports = graph("New York", "Rio", "Tokyo")

# add edges between nodes
airports["New York":"Rio"] = timedelta(hours=9, minutes=50)
airports["New York":"Tokyo"] = timedelta(hours=13, minutes=55)

All graphs behave like a blend of a set of nodes and a dict of edges. Bulk lookups, such as the adjacency of a node or edges of a graph, provide efficient views. For example, len(graph[node])` provides the number of outgoing edges from node without building intermediate containers.

print('There are', len(airports), 'airports in the world!')

# iterate directly on nodes...
for node in airports:
    print(node, 'has', len(airports[node]), 'outgoing connections.')

# ... or use graph.nodes(), graph.edges(), graph.values() or graph.items()
for edge in airports.edges():
    print('Origin:', edge.start, '  Destination:', edge.stop, '     Flight Time:', airports[edge])

alias of graphi.types.adjacency_graph.AdjacencyGraph


alias of

class graphi.Edge(start, stop, step=None)

Bases: object

An edge in a graph as a pair of nodes

  • start – the start or tail of an edge
  • stop – the stop or head of an edge
  • step – currently unused

This is a verbose interface for creating edges between nodes for use in a graph. It allows using slice notation independent of a graph:

>>> atb = Edge[a:b]
>>> a2b = Edge(a, b)
>>> graph[a2b] = 1337
>>> graph[a:b] == graph[atb] == graph[a2b] == graph[Edge[a:b]] == graph[Edge(a, b)]

A Edge can also be used for explicit containment tests:

>>> Edge[a:b] in graph

In addition to their slice-like nature, Edge is iterable and indexable. This allows for easy unpacking:

>>> edge = Edge[a:b]
>>> tail, head = edge


This class creates a representation of an edge as a connection between nodes. Edge values can be arbitrary objects.


Even though Edge behaves like a slice in graphs, builtin containers such as list cannot make use of an Edge.
